Company of One by Paul Jarvis

Why Staying Small is the Next Big Thing for Business

If someone asked you to think of a successful business, you might think about companies like Amazon, Google, Apple, and Starbucks. But using these companies as a vision of success can be a bit overwhelming. I mean, how can you build a business that successful? Well, it’s time to change your definition of success. Companies like Amazon and Google are big. But with big companies comes big problems, you need more profit, more employees, more infrastructure, and more bureaucracies. Is building something that big worth the stress? Instead, this “bigger is better” mentality is wrong. Success means building something small, where you work a limited number of hours per year, and enjoy spending quality time with your family, traveling, or even pursuing the hobbies you love. So rather than building a company that requires more, you should focus on building one that requires less: a company of one. As you read, you’ll learn why staying small should be your end goal, how to find purpose in your work, and how to start your business without needing large investments or investors.

Published on 2023-10-09 by BookBeats Demo

Categories: Entrepreneureship

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